

I hate school. I LOVE SCHOOL!! But I haaate school. *head desk*
Five 3-credit classes. FIVE. That means 15 hours in class, then at LEAST another 15 hours outside of class working.

There are 168 hours in a week. Minus that 30 for school. 16 hours on transport to and from school. 14 for eating since I normally skip breakfast, but like to have time to linger over dinner. 56 hours of sleep if I keep to a healthy schedule. 7 hours of morning and evening routine (showering/brushing teeth/getting dressed). 1 hour for driving to and from work. 10-18 hours at work (we'll say 14). So that leaves 30 hours. 4-ish hours per day of the week of "free time", barring too much more homework, more hours (please, please, PLEASE!) from work, or something random and/or catastrophic.

Did you know that four hours is supposed to be the amount of time that you spend giving your pets attention each day so that they feel properly loved and cared for?

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