
It begins.

The time has come... for end of term exams.

I know that some of you, dear readers, are probably cocking an eyebrow or frowning at this simple statement. Finals? Not for another couple of weeks, right? WRONG. The moment thanksgiving is over it is crunch time. Art classes don't actually have exams, they have projects. Really big projects that fail to take into account that the student has other classes that are also assigning said student really big projects to do.

My advise on getting through this difficult time? ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE!! Cut projects up into sections and set deadlines for each section. If you magically find yourself with extra time because a section has gone faster than expected, start the next section! There will always be a part that takes longer than expected. There is no such thing as free time until everything is done.

This might seem like a very intense way of doing things, but really, once it is all complete, you will feel so much better and you can walk in on your exam day with confidence.

Garment Construction- Dress and book of samplers.
Good news here is that it's a very simple dress, I just need to catch up on the Samples. If I have time I would love to add beading and ruffles to the dress. (EDIT: I ADDED RUFFLES!! IT'S SO CUTE!!)
Writing- Research Essay (plus two make up assignments)
The intensity of this one is my fault, I put off doing two super important projects because I got intimidated (stupid stupid stupid!!)
Fashion Design- BIG FUCK OFF PROJECT (Combine two completely different cultures as inspiration to design a small clothing line of 15 pieces, flats of all of them, 5 illustrations, consumer profile, store layout, mood board, fabric swatches, and an actually made detail example)
... and then, I died. *passes out just from looking at the amount to be done* It's not that any of this is actually difficult, but it is EXCEEDINGLY time heavy.
Psych- A test for the final (and a test tomorrow just to spread things out for us)
I never thought I'd be so glad to have a test!!

I kind of wish that classes were optional over finals. If I didn't have to spend 3-4 hours in class, I would definitely feel like I had more time to get this stuff done. On the other hand I also have to work, anyway. :/

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