
Art Extremism

The shirt that I wore today is an oldie, but it's just so much fun. It's a hand-me-down, I think, but I don't remember from whom or where.

[Will post picture, but just know that it reads ART TERRORIST on the chest]

"Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."

So it's not that I go around bombing places or harming people "for the sake of art," that seems like a poor life choice, to me.
When I was younger I saw a truly horrifying exhibit. It was a video projected onto a wall of a dog that was curling and whimpering in pain. I started freaking out. How could this woman just sit there and watch this dog suffer as she filmed it, and do nothing to help? My grandmother quickly calmed me by reading out of the brochure that the afflicted dog was actually completely CG (computer generated).
Sometimes to get a point across the artist must shock the audience. That's how I think of art terrorism, bombing peoples brains. Shaking them up. Making them think.

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